2014 :

These are the statistics I received from TDCJ regarding the release rates in 2014. I hope this will be of some benefit in understanding what is occurring regarding the releases to parole by the Parole Board and will help stop some of the rumors circulating in prison.

Comparing the same months in 2013 to the same months in 2014 the release rate has fallen approximately 2% to 4% in some categories. The overall release rate in 2013 was 36.10% and the overall release rate in 2014 is 35.52%. This means the Parole Board continues to deny approximately 65% of the applicants. This is a 1% drop from 2013 release rate.


Agg.-No Sex Offense

Apr-14               May-14              Jun -14              Jul-14                Aug-14

32.46%              30.26%              36.55%              33.02%              33.04%

Agg.-Sex Offense

Apr-14               May-14              Jun -14              Jul-14               Aug-14

41.11%              45.40%             46.99%              60.87%              60.49%

Violent-No Agg. No Sex Offense

Apr-14               May-14              Jun -14              Jul-14                Aug-14

28.35%              27.31%              28.13%              23.58%              23.37%

Not Agg. Sex Offense

Apr-14               May-14              Jun -14              Jul-14                Auf-14

27.60%              26.24%              25.82%              25.82%              29.78%

Nonviolent-No Sex Offense

Apr-14               May-14              Jun-14              Jul-14                Aug-14

40.86%              38.42%              37.85%              37.85%              36.38%